Week 14 | Lost In Lipstick | A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog: Week 14

Monday 8 April 2013

Week 14

Make up of the day / Chocolate rice krispie cakes / Chinese takeaway / Decorating / Giant Easter Egg / #NorthMeetUp / Amazing goodie bag / Neom Hand Lotion

Hi lovelies, 

I enjoyed my final week off work and started back today. Luckily, they eased us in gently with a training day that finished at one! I think my body is going to take a while to get back into the routine of waking up at 6:30am! It was a real struggle today! I've spent most of the Easter holidays eating chocolate and I still have some left. My skin is suffering for it though. I'm 25, I cannot wait until I stop getting spots! 

I've spent most of this week covered in paint! We have made so much progress on our living room but there is still so much to do. It really is taking forever. (We're definitely getting a decorator to do the rest of the house!) Hopefully my dad is going to come round this week to put the wallpaper on the feature wall and we just have to finish painting all the woodwork. Once it's finished we will need to go shopping for furniture. We literally just have couches in the living room, no sideboards or side tables anything. I cannot wait for it to all be finished!

#NorthMeetUp was definitely the perfect way to end my holiday. Em Sheldon from Em Talks arranged the whole event and she did a fantastic job. I won't go into too much detail as I am planning on doing a blog post on the day so stay tuned for that!

If you want to follow me on Instagram, my username is lostinlipstick. If you do follow me, make sure you leave your username below. I love finding new people on Instagram.

What have you been up to this week?

Rachel x
Lost In Lipstick


  1. Yummy chocolate & food :)
    That is a lot of goodies, can't wait for your post! Xx

    1. Haha my life consists of chocolate and food!
      Fingers crossed it should be up soon!

      Rachel x

  2. The cakes look delish!!

    I'm following from the #bbloggers blog hop



Thank you for reading my blog, it means so much to me :) I read every comment and they make me smile. I will try and reply to each and every one. Rachel x

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