Two years ago, when I first tried 'crackle' nail polish I loved it and was addicted. I had it on my nails everyday! I always received compliments from the public when I was out, asking how I did my nails or even where I had them done! It was always entertaining to see their face when I said I did them myself! Fast forward a year or so and people seemed to be a bit bored with 'crackle' nails, I think they had probably been over done. To be honest though, I still love the original crackle polish over gold nail polish, I just think the effect is so striking.
Fast forward to 2012, and Barry M have created a new version of crackle nail polish, Croc Nail Effects which creates a mock-croc style pattern. The polish is currently available in Black or Burgundy. Personally, I went for black as it goes better with more colours.
Instructions are included on the side of the bottle, these are:
1.Apply a thin coat of your chosen nail vanish.
2. Wait 1 to 2 minutes until mails are touch try. Do not apply to dry polish.
3. Apply a thin coat of Croc Nail Effects.
4.After 3 minutes the effect will start to appear.
When painting my nails, I always start with a base coat as some nail polishes stain and yellow nails are not a good look! So I began with a base coat and let this completely dry. I then followed step 1. I chose 17 High Gloss Nail Polish in Sphinx. I applied one thin-ish coat of nail polish and waiting about two minutes before applying Croc Nail Effects.
You are instructed to apply a thin coat of Croc Nail Effects, however I found this difficult as I wanted to ensure the whole nail had been coated. Once all my nails were black it was just a case of waiting. The bottle says after 3 minutes the effect will start to appear. This seems like a long time, as the original crackle polish is instant, however from looking at the lid of the bottle I thought it was worth the wait. I had read a few reviews before painting my nails, some suggested the effect doesn't appear till after 5 minutes! Others suggested using a hair dryer to speed up the process, although a few people said this made the shapes on the nail smaller and not as effective. So I followed the instructions and waited. The following pictures show the effect 'developing' over 5 to 6 minutes.
When painting my nails, I always start with a base coat as some nail polishes stain and yellow nails are not a good look! So I began with a base coat and let this completely dry. I then followed step 1. I chose 17 High Gloss Nail Polish in Sphinx. I applied one thin-ish coat of nail polish and waiting about two minutes before applying Croc Nail Effects.
You are instructed to apply a thin coat of Croc Nail Effects, however I found this difficult as I wanted to ensure the whole nail had been coated. Once all my nails were black it was just a case of waiting. The bottle says after 3 minutes the effect will start to appear. This seems like a long time, as the original crackle polish is instant, however from looking at the lid of the bottle I thought it was worth the wait. I had read a few reviews before painting my nails, some suggested the effect doesn't appear till after 5 minutes! Others suggested using a hair dryer to speed up the process, although a few people said this made the shapes on the nail smaller and not as effective. So I followed the instructions and waited. The following pictures show the effect 'developing' over 5 to 6 minutes.
Have you used Croc Nail Effects? Did you get the desired result?
Rachel x
Lost In Lipstick
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