Instagram #6 | Lost In Lipstick | A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog: Instagram #6

Sunday 4 November 2012

Instagram #6

Autumn walks in wellies, Getting ready for Halloween, More magazine freebies, Very similar nail polish, Before and after deep cleaning of make up brushes, Magazine samples of products, Barry M Grey nails, New Rimmel Precious Stones over Barry M Grey, Pixiwoo in Avon catalogue, New leggings from Primark (worn as pyjamas), First Screme Egg, New Clutch bags from Primark, Watching Hocus Pocus on Halloween, Yummy pizza, Fireworks at The Trafford Centre, Nandos.

This is two weeks worth of photos, which I much prefer than two shorter posts. My nephew is still unwell so I have been looking after him a lot, which means not much time for blogging so apologies. I hope you've all had a great week. I've been off work for a week as it's half term but we're back in tomorrow - back to reality! Now Halloween and Bonfire Night are over, the countdown is really on for Christmas! I'll be in my new house in two weeks! So excited - my first house! I feel so grown up!

What have you been up to this week? What did you do for Halloween and Bonfire Night?
Rachel x
Lost In Lipstick

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Thank you for reading my blog, it means so much to me :) I read every comment and they make me smile. I will try and reply to each and every one. Rachel x

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