How to get a new wardrobe on a budget | Lost In Lipstick | A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog: How to get a new wardrobe on a budget

Thursday 3 December 2015

How to get a new wardrobe on a budget

When you need new clothes, the first thing you should do isn’t what you probably think you should do. Do you imagine yourself running to the nearest high street store and spending a shed load of money? You don’t have to. Here are 7 thrifty things you should do when you need new clothes:

Look for Second Hand Bargains

Instead of going out and buying something new straight away, look for second hand bargains. You can find them at car boots, garage sales, and online. You can even look in charity shops! You might need to do a little bit of hunting to find something worth buying, but you can get some amazing things for a fraction of the price. Depop is a great new(ish) app where you find some great bargains along with sites like eBay.

Shop Vintage

This is something I haven’t done myself but I hear vintage clothing is so much better than modern day clothing. Not only is it the same sort of price, it doesn’t lose its value providing you look after it. You’ll end up with a wardrobe full of awesome things that nobody else has. Don’t automatically look in your favourite high street store first. There are many vintage stores/markets these days and there are probably some great vintage websites. I also hear of vintage fairs popping up all time.

Customise Your Old Ones

Take a look at your old clothes and see if there’s anything you can do with them, rather than getting rid of them straight away. You can find so many materials and tools to help you. You could use fabrics for dance costumes to make yourself an outfit for a special occasion, or simply use scissors to cut your favorite T a new shape. There are so many tutorials these days - a simple Google search or a search on YouTube and you’ll be sure to find a way to customise your old jeans or an old jacket. Plus, you’ll have an original piece of clothing.


Swap With Your Friends

Your friends are going to need new clothes at some point, so why not arrange to swap a few things with them? This is completely free and you’ll both end up with new stuff. This could be something you do once a season or once a year. Turn it into a cocktail night or a cheese and wine party. It’s a win win!

Sell Your Old Ones

If you really must buy new clothes, make sure you sell your old ones first. Then you’ll have more money to put into your new clothes fund. It only makes sense. Otherwise, you’ll end up with clothes all over the place, not getting worn, making a mess. (Which is what my wardrobe looks like! I really need to tackle that soon!) Sites I mentioned above like eBay and Depop are great places to sell your clothes or if you’re brave you could sell them at a car boot! Why not get together with family or friends and make a day of it! At the very least you should give them to charity!

Look for Discount Codes

Search for discount codes before buying to get a little money off. You won’t need to pay full price if you take a few minutes to look one of these beforehand. I’m a massive fan of discount code and I always hit Google before purchasing something online. I often sign up for the mailing list as they will email you when they have a discount code like 20% off or free delivery.

Make Your Own Capsule Wardrobe

Thanks to Anna, I am clued up on Capsule Wardrobes. I would love to do this and maybe in the future I will but at the moment, I’m just not organised enough! A capsule wardrobe is where you ensure you have all of the basics you could possibly need, and then build on it with items you really love. These items should be layerable and transitional, so you can wear most of it in each season. Some things won’t be able to double up in different seasons, but you should be able to put them away for next season. With a capsule wardrobe, you’ll hardly need to buy anything, ever!

What tips do you have when it comes to saving money on clothes? Have you tried any of the suggestions above?

Rachel x

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