A to Z of Christmas | Lost In Lipstick | A Beauty & Lifestyle Blog: A to Z of Christmas

Sunday 15 November 2015

A to Z of Christmas

I thought it would be a fun idea to do an A to Z post of things I associate with Christmas. For most letters I wrote down the first thing that I thought about but for others where I could have had two or three answers I chose my favourite. I loved writing this post as it really got me in the Christmassy mood. I'm a little kid at heart and I really get excited for Christmas.

A is for Advent Calendars

As a child, my sister and I always had a chocolate advent calendar to help us count down to Christmas Day. As an adult, nothing has changed! I still buy Rory and I an advent calendar. This year, I have decided to make this one from Hobbycraft this year and fill it with chocolate ourselves then we can reuse it every year. Beauty Advent Calendars are bigger than ever this year as well.

B is for Boxing Day

When I was a child, we ate Christmas dinner at my mum and dads and had a buffet at my grans on Boxing Day. I love how the Christmas festivities continued after Christmas Day. Since Rory and I moved into our own house, Boxing Day is now at our house and I put on a mean spread!

C is for Christmas Eve

I love the build up to Christmas Day and Christmas Eve is soooo exciting! I imagine it will be even better if we had children but as we're both big kids anyway we have a pretty awesome day. It usually includes finishing off wrapping presents as I always underestimate just how long it takes to wrap all the presents! I love watching a Christmas film in the evening with a hot chocolate (or something stronger like Eggnog!) while wearing pajamas or a onesie!

D is for Decorations

I love decorating our house and tree for Christmas. This will be the 4th Christmas in our own house and each year it gets better and better. We decorate our tree on the 1st December which may be early for some people but we love Christmas so much. The 1st is on a Tuesday this year and as we both work, we will have to wait until the evening but it'll be worth it! 

E is for Elf

My favourite Christmas film ever! It has everything you want in a film - Chrismas, laughter, sadness, Will Ferrell! I love to watch this early on as it really puts me in the Christmas mood and then most years I watch it again around Chrismas Day. 

F is for Father Christmas

What kind of Christmas post would this be if I didn't mention Father Christmas?! The North Pole will be a busy place right now and he will be looking out for all the nice girls and boys. My nephew will be 4 this Chrismas so we'll sprinkle reindeer dust on the lawn and leave a mince pie, carrot and glass of milk on a tray. He'll understand more this year as he was only just three last year. 

G is for Gingerbread

I love the smell and taste of gingerbread especially at Christmas. The gingerbread range that The Body Shop did a few years ago was delicious! Last year I bought some gingerbread trees to decorate and this year, I'll do something similar. I'd love to bake my own but I know that'll never happen!! You can even buy gingerbread houses that you put together and decorate. This would be a great activity to do with your children. 

H is for Holiday

Christmas is definitely my favourite holiday of the year and the build up is just magical. As I work in a school, I'm really lucky to get two weeks off at Christmas. However that isn't the only positive of working in a primary school. The last two weeks of term are filled with fun Christmas events and activities. We go to the pantomime in Manchester, the infants put on a Nativity, we have a big Chritsmas party and eat Christmas dinner together plus much more! 

I is for Icicles

I always associate Christmas and Winter with icicles but it's not often we see them. I will never forget one really cold Christmas as a teenager when we had icicles hanging from our roof. They were stunning. Nature is so beautiful. These days you can buy icicle lights to hang from your roof! 

J is for Jumpers

Christmas jumpers are my fave! Last year I bought a cute showman one from Primark with 3D features like his nose and scarf. I haven't even looked for one for this year! I also love wearing oversized jumpers when it's cold and feeling all warm and cosy. Even though it's November, we haven't really experienced cold weather. It's still really mild outside so I haven't had chance to wear my chunky knit jumpers yet. 

K is for Kissing

There wasn't many words associated with Christmas that began with K so I opted for kissing. After all that's what mistletoe is for! Who will you be kissing under the mistletoe? I also kiss friends and family on Christmas Day as it's about spending time and sharing love with loved ones. Kissing is also linked to New Years Eve when you kiss someone at midnight. 

L is for Lights

I love lighting up our home at Christmas and seeing everywhere lit up with fairy lights. Obviously we have fairy lights on our tree. I then add fairy lights over the door which leads to the dining room so everyone walks underneath them when helping themselves at our buffet on Boxing Day. This year I'm hoping to get some really nice lights for our window. I really like the ones with the criss cross wire. 

M is for Mince Pies

I love mince pies! When I was younger, I went through a phase of hating them but I have no idea why as they are delicious! I try and wait until December before I have my first mince pie so that I'm not sick of them by Christmas Day! Homemade mince pies are the best! Maybe this year I'll make my own gingerbread and mince pie! Yeah right!! 

N is for Nativity

As I've previously mentioned, the infants at our school put on a Nativity. It's so cute! I can remember some of the roles I've played as a child in the Nativity. I'll have to ask my mum and dad if they remember anymore. I've been a shepherd one year and a sheep another year. I think I may have been Mary when I was really little and possibly a star! I bet my parents have some brilliant photos! 

O is for Oranges

When I was a child, I made Christingles every year. I didn't go to a church school but I was a Rainbow and Brownie so we made one there and took it to the local church for the Christingle Service. Last year, we went to the church where we were married and it was lovely to be given a Christingle from their Rainbows and Brownies. 

P is for Pantomimes

As I have already mentioned, I will be going to see Cinderella at Manchester Opera House with the school I work at. I was really fortunate as a child and my whole family would go to the Opera House to see the Pantomime. I love Pantomimes. They really get me in the festive mood and I love how happy they make children (and me as a big kid!)

Q is for Quiz

We usually play some sort of game on Christmas Day and for the past few years, we have done a quiz at ours on Boxing Day which even includes prizes! Christmas is time to spend with loved ones and there's no better way than arguing over a game! 

R is for Rudolph

If it wasn't for Rudolph, we wouldn't have any presents to open on Christmas morning! Sometimes I feel sorry for the other reindeer as Rudolph gets all the credit. Maybe Rudolph is just getting his own back. 

S is for Snow

Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow! I love snow! I love putting my wellies on and crunching the snow as I walk. I love taking a walk through the wood as it looks like a Winter Wonderland. I love building a snowman. Do you wanna build a snowman? Sorry I couldn't help it! 

T is for Tree

We moved into our house three years ago this month and we made the decision to invest in a really good artificial tree that would last for years to come. I love our tree and I cannot wait to get it down from the loft and decorate it on the 1st December. 

U is for Under The Tree

I'm a slight perfectionist when it comes to wrapping Christmas presents and they have to look beautiful before I give them to family and friends. I love putting them under the Christmas Tree until Christmas Day. The colour scheme for our tree is red, gold and cream so I buy wrapping paper, bows, ribbon and tags to match and everything coordinates. 

V is for Visiting

Christmas is a time for visiting loved ones. Our traditions have changed since I was younger but we still do the same thing each year. I visit all family members on Christmas Day and spend time with family and friends in the run up to Christmas. 

W is for Winter Wonderland

Especially when it snows, everything is transformed into a Winter Wonderland. Everyone always seems happier throughout the festive season except for the Grinches and Scrooges out there! 

X is for Xmas

Sorry but there wasn't anything else that I could think of for X! Xmas isn't a word I use or hear much anymore but it was when I was growing up. Probably because of the character restrictions on text messages! 

Y is for Yule Log

Mmmmmm Yule Log! A great Christmas dessert that I love to eat after Christmas dinner. I love the ones that have a little branch and a bird on! So cute! 

Z is for Zzzzz

Christmas Day is a longggg day as I'm often up early and extremely busy the whole day. After a bit of laptop time (Boxing Day sales!) it's straight to bed before getting up and hosting Boxing Day at ours. This usually means I spend most of day cleaning and making the house look beautiful before making a start on all the food. 

I'm so excited for Christmas this year especially after writing this post! What are your favourite parts of Christmas? I would love to hear about your Christmas traditions. 

Rachel x

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